Commemorating the ground-breaking ceremony of the 3rd UP Investors Summit in Lucknow amidst the gracious presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and India’s top industrialists and the investor community, Yotta showcased its ambitious growth roadmap and investment in the state’s data center sector. With a pipeline of investment clocking Rs.9000 crores in setting up North India’s first hyperscale data center park, Yotta establishes itself as one of the leading investors in Uttar Pradesh, with strong focus on scaling the digital infrastructure, bringing digital connectivity to the last mile, and thereby furthering the government’s Digital India vision.
The Government of India has set an aim to make India a trillion-dollar Digital economy and is working relentlessly towards the goal. Realising the importance of data centers as the backbone of the country’s digital infrastructure, the government has taken a slew of progressive steps that demonstrate its commitment to bring India’s digital ecosystem on the global map. A major step in this direction has been the granting of infrastructure status to data centers, which will provide greater impetus to the industry’s growth across regions – fastracking digital adoption and transforming the lives of people.
Sharing the same belief and vision, Yotta has set an aggressive expansion roadmap of building hyperscale data center parks and a robust network of Edge data centers across India, with a target of 1030MW of data center capacity by 2027. Educating the august gathering about Yotta data centers, managed services and its innovative cloud-powered solution offerings, Yotta’s showcase booth at the event was graced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh and Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, along with distinguished dignitaries from the state and central government, who lauded Yotta and the Hiranandani Group’s efforts as an enabler of India’s digital infrastructure.
Going live in August 2022, Yotta D1 data center at our Greater Noida DC Campus – North India’s first hyperscale data center park – will strengthen the region’s data center capacity and enable businesses and government with world-class infrastructure to help them scale and deliver enhanced experiences to customers and citizens.