
Webinar : Making Sense of Unstructured Data

Jul 24, 2020

According to various research studies, 80% of enterprise data is unstructured. Digital transformation efforts typically employ “get to SQL” as the most common method of trying to make unstructured data actionable for the enterprise, but this presents issues with cost, time, data distortion, corruption, a loss of history, and difficulty in gaining insights for this data.

In our Masterclass on Making Sense of Unstructured Data, our experts gave insights on Digital Ledger Technology (DLT) and a recognition that it is Words rather than Data which business users work with, can enable companies to gain insight into unstructured data 50-80% faster and make it actionable for the enterprise.

Some of the key takeaways of this session were –

  • Insight into information that is unstructured in emails, PDFs, B2B documents, web pages, and Excel files.
  • How to effectively and systematically get enterprise-level access to unstructured data.
  • How to make decisions 50-80% faster with unstructured and structured data?

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