What are the eligibility criteria for Yotta Free Cloud Credits?
  • Members of the NVIDIA Inception or NVIDIA Connect programs are eligible for Yotta cloud credit benefits, as well as additional discounts on cloud compute from Yotta. Visit the NVIDIA Inception or NVIDIA Connect program pages to learn more and apply.
Not yet part of the NVIDIA Connect Program?
Can we apply for more credits if we have not utilized the previously allocated credits?
  • No, you can only apply for additional credits once you are near exhausting the previously allocated credits.
What are the guidelines while applying for credits?
  • To start, apply for USD10,000 credits and once you are near exhausting , you can apply for USD15,000, followed by USD25,000 respectively.
  • While the USD10,000 and USD15,000 credits shall be extended in general without a detailed evaluation, the USD25,000 credits shall be extended only after evaluation on your usage of Yotta Shakti Cloud Tech stack and NVIDIA accelerated computing platform/SDKs.

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